1. Stitch, finish and mail a scissor fob for the Brooke’s Books Interactive Yahoo Group ~ Yes!!!
2. Stitch "Believe" (L*K Living with Charm series) ~ Yes!!
3. Stitch at least 15 hours on The Guardian ~ Yes!!!
4. Stitch part 3 of Back on the Road Again ~ Finished part 4 instead of part 3 :P
5. Stitch and finish a Tin Topper for the Monthly Finishing Challenge blog ~ nop!
I also stitched a piece for an upcoming exchange and finished a biscornu :)
Me fue bastante bien con mis metas para junio:
1. Bordar, terminar y enviar un "scissor fob" para el intercambio en el grupo Brooke’s Books Interactive Group ~ Si!!!
3. Bordar al menos 15 horas en The Guardian ~ Si!!!
4. Bordar la parte 3 de Back on the Road Again ~ Termine la parte 4 en vez de la 3 :P
5. Bordar y terminar un "Tin Topper" para el reto de este mes en el blog Monthly Finishing Challenge ~ nop!
My goals for July are:
1. Stitch and finish my piece for the SBEBB Biscornu exchange
2. Stitch "Care", "Encourage" and "Laugh" (L*K Living with Charm series)
3. Stitch at least 15 hours on The Guardian
4. Finish Back on the Road Again
5. Stitch and finish a scissors pocket/keeper/sheath for the Monthly Finishing Challenge blog
Mis metas para julio son:
1. Bordar y terminar un biscornu para el intercambio de biscornu del foro SBEBB
2. Bordar "Care", "Encourage" y "Laugh" de la serie Living with Charm de Lizzie*Kate
3. Bordar al menos 15 horas en The Guardian
4. Terminar Back on the Road Again
5. Bordar y terminar un "guarda-tijeras" para el reto de este mes en el blog Monthly Finishing Challenge