Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A bit of progress...

I've been stitching a little bit every month on The Guardian, I still have a long way to go but I can finally say I'm enjoying working on it :) I'm doing a time rotation again so I get to work on him once or twice a month. Here is my progress pic after 146.5 hours :)

He estado bordando en The Guardian un poquito cada mes, aún me queda un largo camino por recorrer para terminarlo pero al menos ya disfruto trabajar en él :) Estoy rotando cada 10 horas mis proyectos por lo que me toca bordar en él al menos una o dos veces a la semana. Acá mi progreso después de 146.5 horas de bordar en él :)

A few month ago I won a drawing held by Giovi in her blog, and yesterday I received my prize :) Look what she made for me... isn't it adorable!! :) That saying is just perfect for me ºÜº !!

Hace unos meses gané un concurso que Giovi realizé en su blog, ayer recibí mi premio :) Miren lo que ella hizo para mí es adorable!! :) El mensajito es perfecto para mi ºÜº !!
Muchas gracias Giovi, como te escribé en el mail...esta super lindo :)!

19 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

He's looking so good. Good for you for keeping with it through the tough parts!

Suburban Stitcher said...

Great progress! Keep up the good work!

Cindy F. said...

Your Guardian piece is amazing! Excellent progress!! Proud of you for not giving up on it !
What a nice drawing you won from Giovi!!

Brenda Lou said...

Wow!!! Great progress!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow! The Guardian is going to be FANTASTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

That Guardian is a BUGGER. I'm working on it, too, but nowhere near as far along as you are, that's amazing progress! I can attest to the difficulty of the shading and matching one color thread with another, etc., good heavens. Good for you for keeping it up. You're my inspiration on this piece. Someone on earth can do it!

Hazel said...

What a great giveaway. Great progress on your wolf too. I love all your christmas stitching you've been doing. x

monique said...

What a cute ornament you received... and I see what you mean about the saying LOL The guardian is looking fantastic, too :)

Chiloe said...

Que trabajo !!! No creo que yo podria bordarlo porque hay muchas colores que se miran casi iguales. Pero que bonito es este lobo!!!

Recibiste muy bonitos regalos.

Pike said...

The saying , just like I would say, too LOL What a lovely gift!

Merry Christmas!

Sharon said...

The Guardian looks wonderful! Lovely prize you won!

Anonymous said...

I just popped in to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Merrilee said...

Woah, almost 150 hours! That's a big effort. The Guardian is looking absolutely beautiful though, and I'm glad you're finally enjoying stitching on him.

Kathy said...

OMG wow that is stunning Carla. So looking forward to seeing more.

Hugs xxxxx

Concetta said...

The Guardian is really coming along - it's lovely!

I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas. x

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!

Anita said...

Have a wonderful christmas and happy new year.

Crazee4books said...

Merry Christmas Carla,

Hope that you and your family had a wonderful
day together, with lots of good food and good

What kind of weather do you have (usually)
for Christmas??? The weather here has been
a truly mixed bag of stuff. On Christmas
Eve day we had heavy snow, rain, strong winds
warmer temperatures (for us at this time of
year anyways) and then chilly temperatures.
Thank goodness Christmas day was fine and even

Every time I see your progress on the Guardian
I can't get over how amazing it looks. It is
going to be an incredible piece when it's
finished. It looks more like a painting then
stitching and I love it!!

I love seeing all the Barbara Ana designs that
you've been stitching. The many bright and
cheerful colours used in each design are so
fun and make her designs stand out. I've
ordered my first chart of hers because of what
I've seen here on your blog.

Lizzie Kate's Christmas is Forever is another
great favourite of mine which I've just ordered.
Your finish of it is beautiful and makes my
fingers itch to get to work on my soon
as it gets here. Again, colour is a big draw
and this design is rich in it.

Your most recently framed finishes are beautifully
done and makes me think its time I got some of my
own pieces done as well. They just don't look
that great when piled in a drawer. You made
great choices for the frames.

Happy New Year!!! Cheers Judy

varaplata said...

Me encanta el cuadro de los lobos que estas realizando, realmente es una labor muy grande y que necesita muchas horas,por lo que me parece genial que hayas decidido rotarlo con otras labores.
Y el regalo del concurso es precioso, me alegro mucho de tu suerte.
Feliz año 2009.

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