Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Happy New Year!!! Wish you all the best for 2009 :)

I've been a little bit lazy lately and was not in the mood for updating my blog, but I've been stitching a lot. Since my last post I've finished 4 projects but 3 of these I can't show right now. The one I can share was a small project I stitched on January 1st, I chose to start 2009 stitching a design by Shepherd's Bush called Mermaid Sampler. I used the fabric and silk threads that came in the kit, not sure how I'm going to finish-finish it but all the stitching is done and it's my first finish of the year :)

Feliz Año!!! Les deseo a todos lo mejor para el 2009 :)

He sido un poco floja en actualizar mi blog pero si he estado bordando, he terminado 4 proyectos pero 3 de de ellos no puedo mostrar aún. El que si puedo enseñarles es uno que empecé el primer día del año, elegí como mi primer bordado del año Mermaid Sampler de Shepherd's Bush. Lo bordé con los hilos de seda y tela que vinieron en el kit, no estoy segura aún que acabado le daré pero ya todo el bordado esta hecho y es mi primer proyecto terminado del nuevo año :)

Design: Mermaid Sampler by Shepherd's Bush
Fabric: 32ct Meadow Mist Linen
Threads: Au Ver a Soie and Thread Gatherer Silk
Stitch count: 30w x 90h
Started: 01. January. 2009
Finished: 02. January. 2009

After I finished Mermaid Sampler I was still in the mood for stitching mermaids so I decided to start another one but this time a little bit bigger. Last year I fell in love with the art of Hannah Disney after seeing some of her work on HAED's website. I bought a chart and had it kitted up for a while now but just didn't have the nerve to start it. Well I finally started it... it's quick stitch, 175w x 126w, that doesn't sound like a quick stitch, huh? The design is called Tag Alongs (one the right you can find a pic of how it will look when finished) and here is a pic of my progress.

Después de terminar Mermaid Sampler, tenía aún ganas de bordar sirenas pero esta vez vez elegí bordar una un poco más grande. El año pasado me enamoré del arte de Hannah Disney después de verlo en la página web de HAED. Compré uno de sus diseños y lo tenía ya listo con hilos y tela pero no reunía las agallas para empezarlo. Bueno finalmente me decidí a empezarlo...en la página de HAED dicen que es un "quick stitch" (bordado rápido) pero tiene 175 puntadas de ancho y 126 de largo, así que tan rápido no es, no?? El diseño se llama Tag Alongs (en la columna de la derecha pueden ver una imagen de como quedara una vez terminado) y aquí les muestro una foto de mi progreso.

18 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Lovely finish!

Anonymous said...

The Mermaid Sampler is precious! And, I love the colors. The HAED design looks pretty, but it would take me forever! LOL

tkdquintmom said...

Oh my one DD LOVES mermaids...I'm going to have to get that SB for her. It looks like a quick stitch and you did a lovely job on her! Happy New Stitchy Year!

Merrilee said...

Happy New Year! What a great idea, so start the new year with a happy dance. I love the little mermaid design - beautiful colours. Good luck with your HAED. The design is just adorable, but they're a real challenge to stitch.

Ranae said...

SB finish is fantastic and nice start on the HAED
Happy 2009!!

Deanne J said...

Congrats on your finish. Looking forward to seeing the progress on Tag Alongs, such a pretty blue colour.

Alma_vcg said...

Feliz año nuevo!!!

Te deseo que este año venga llenos de salud, amor y mucha felicidad!!!


Srinity said...

Cute mermaid sampler. :) Great start on the QS, she is going to look lovely when finished.

Happy New Year 2009!

Cindy F. said...

congrats on your pretty mermaid sampler finish!
Such pretty colors:)
And already a great start on new new mermaid. Can't wait to see it progress!

nela said...

linda linda.-.. me gusta...

nela said...

feliz año.. y quedo genial...

Lennu said...

Happy New Year!! Your SB finish is lovely, great work :)

Kathy said...

Congrats on your HD hun. What a great start on your QS mermaid, looking forward to seeing more.

Mayté Bermúdez-García said...

Happy and prosperous 2009!! May the new year be filled with love, health and happiness for you and your loved ones :)

Hazel said...

Oooh whay a lovely mermaid sampler! Love it. xx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Carla! I love the Mermaid Sampler - very sweet piece and lovely colours :-D

Karyne said...

Felíz año nuevo corazón!!!!! Muy bella tu sirenita, un abrazo, con cariño, Karyne

Sharon said...

Happy New Year Carla! Love the mermaid finish-very pretty!

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