Stitched on 32ct Country Mocha Belfast Linen with DMC
Stitch count: 79w x 79h
Stitching Hours: 20.5 hrs
Started: 12. November 2008
Finished: 30. January. 2009
I did very good with my goals for January, let's see how I do with my February goals:
1. Continue to stitch on The Guardian
2. Continue to stitch Halloween Fairy
3. Stitch an Xmas ornament for the 2009 Christmas Challenge
4. Continue to stitch on QS Tag Alongs (finish page 1, 4 and 5)
5. Participate in HAED's 2009 SAL ~ QS Dark Cherry
1. Continuar con The Guardian
2. Continuar con Halloween Fairy
3. Bordar y terminar un adorno de Navidad (2009 Christmas Challenge)
4. Continuar QS Tag Alongs (terminar página 1, 4 y 5)
5. Participar en el SAL de HAED ~ QS Dark Cherry
My January goals were:
1. Start a new project on January 1st and finish-finish it within the month ~ Yes!! Finished Mermaid Sampler as a pinkeep :)
2. Continue to stitch on The Guardian ~ Yes!!
3. Continue to stitch on Halloween Fairy ~ Yes!!
4. Order the thread I need to finish Paix and finish it!! ~ Finally bought the thread and finished it :)
5. Stitch and finish and ornament for the 2009 Christmas Challenge blog ~ Yes!
6. Finish and send SBEBB Frosty Friends Exchange ~ Yes!
7. Stitch and send HoE Valentine's Day Exchange ~ Yep!!
8. Start HAED-Dark Cherry (HAED's 2009 SAL) ~ Yes!
1. Started a HAED: QS tag Alongs and I'm almost done with page 1 :)
Mis metas para enero fueron:
1. Comenzar un bordado el 1ro de enero y terminarlo-terminarlo antes que termine el mes ~ Si!! Terminé Mermaid Sampler como un pinkeep :)
2. Continuar con The Guardian ~ Si!!
3. Continuar con Halloween Fairy ~ Sip!!
4. Comprar el hilo que me falta y completar Paix ~ Por fin compré el hilo que me faltaba y pude terminarlo :)
5. Bordar y terminar un adorno navideño para el reto del blog 2009 Christmas Challenge ~ Si!
6. Terminar y enviar el intercambio SBEBB Frosty Friends Exchange ~ Yes!
7. Bordar y enviar el intercambio HoE Valentine's Day Exchange ~ Sip!
8. Comenzar HAED-Dark Cherry (SAL 2009 de HAED) ~ Sip!
1.Empecé un diseño de HAED: QS Tag Alongs y ya casi terminó la página 1 :)