At the begining of the year, I had set myself some stitching goals. One of those goals was to finish this HAED design that I started on January 1st 2010. I'm happy to say that is finally finished and I love how it came out. It's a cute little dragon, isn't it? :)
I've signed up for HAED's bb new SAL, it's going to start at the end of June. I've already picked my choice, when it begins I'll show you a pic of the design I'll be stitching ;).
Have a great weekend!
A comienzos de año, establecí algunos objetivos para mis bordados. Uno de estos era terminar este diseño de HAED que había comenzado el 1ro de enero de 2010. Estoy muy contenta pues finalmente lo terminé y encanta el resultado final. No les parece tierno el dragoncito? :)
Ya me incribí al nuevo SAL que empezara a fines de junio en el foro de HAED. Ya he hecho mi elección del diseño y les mostraré cual es una vez que haya empezado el SAL ;)
Disfruten el fin de semana!
Design: Storykeep Dragon Luck
Artwork by Lisa Victoria ~ Charted by Heaven and Earth Designs
Stitched on 25ct Baby Blue Lugana (one over one) with DMC threads
Stitch count: 50w x 178h
Started: 01. January. 2010
Finished: 23. May. 2011