I loved many designs that came inside the latest issue of the online magazine TGOSM, Opalescent Hearts is one of them. It's the first time I stitch Rhode Hearts and I think they are beautiful and not to difficult to make as I thought they were when I initially saw them.
I didn't have the Mill Hills beads that were called for this design, so I replaced them with what I had on my stash, I used Mill Hill #02001 - 02022 - 03050. I left out the paillettes because (a) I didn't have any in my stash, and (b) I like how the design looks without them.
En la última edición de la revista TGOSM vinieron varios diseños que me gustarían bordar algún día, Opalescent Hearts es uno de ellos. Es un diseño muy lindo y rápido de bordar. No tenía las mostacillas (abalorios) que pedían para el diseño así que usé mostacillas Mill Hill #02001 - 02022 -03050 y no le coloqué las lentejuelas que indicaba el gráfico; primero, porque no tenía y segundo, porque me gusta como se ve el diseño sin ellas, creo que con las mostacillas ya es suficiente :)
I'm a 40+ year-old Peruvian crafter, mother of a beautiful girl. I usually craft before bedtime when Maria Fernanda is already in bed and I'm not too tired after a long day at work ;)