Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Black Hat Society is done!

On Friday I had my third cross stitch finish of the year! I finally finished Black Hat Society by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery.

I started this piece last year but, as always, I got distracted with other projects so it took me a little over a year to finish it :P

I have an idea of how I want to finish it but that will have to wait until next week because I have a few crochet pieces I need to finish before Monday.

Design: Black Hat Society by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery
Stitch count 129w x 106h
Fabric: 28ct Echo Cashel Linen (Pรฏcture This Plus)
Threads: DMC
Started: 17. September. 2017
Finished: 21. September. 2018 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Punch of Color ~ Day 80

Yesterday I reached day 80 for the 100 days of HAED challenge.
This is how it looks so far...

Like I said before, I'm only doing the black outline for this challenge and so far I've completed all the black for the first 8 pages (6,301 stitches)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I want this done in time for Halloween 2018!

Yesterday I worked on Black Hat Society for about half an hour and I managed to finish the little pumpkin. The only thing left to do is a witch...

Monday, September 10, 2018

Oops! I dissappeared again!

I've been super busy lately and blogging completely slipped my mind :P

I'm still working on Punch of Color Girls 10 for the 100 days of HAED challenge. There have been several days where I only added one stitch to this projects but so far I've not misses a single day stitching on it...which is great!

Here is my progress after 70 days...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Day 40 and a Baby Whale

Last Saturday was day 40 of the 100 days of HAED challenge. This time around I didn't have much time for cross stitching so I had very little progress. 

Most days I only added 1 stitch just to be able to stay in the challenge. 


What kept me occupied most of last week was a baby whale I had to finish for a nursery. 

The mother, an old friend of my sister from university, commissioned me to make a humpback whale for her baby's ocean themed nursery. 

 Pattern:  Baby Humpback Whale by One Woof Dog
Yarn: 100% Cotton
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 05. August. 2018
Finished: 10. August. 2018

I love this whale and I think is the perfect size for cuddles. Here is a pic of my 7-year-old holding it. 

I'm still working on the small amigurumi I'm doing for my daughter's classmates. I'm a little behind with my plans, hopefully, I can catch up this weekend. 

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Projects I need to finish this month!

Halloween is fast approaching so need to finish Black Hat Society soon so I can display it this year in my home. I started this piece last year in September and I'm still working on it!

As you can see I don't have much left to do so I think I can finish it sometime this month.


By the end of the month, I'll be visiting my daughter's classroom to talk about her and show pictures and videos of when she was a baby up until now. 

Parents usually take small gifts for each child when they visit; so Maria Fernanda asked me if I could make amigurumi because she always tells them that I make stuffed toys for her. So now I need to finish 29 small amigurumi for my visit on August 29th. 

For the boys, I chose to make mini sharks and for the girls, kawaii watermelon slices. So far I've done 3 sharks of 15 I need to make, and 1 watermelon of 14. I need to get busy with these or I won't finish them on time!!! 

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

A doll called Maria and progress on the challenge

A couple weeks ago I was asked to do a doll with olive skin and I came up with this cutie โ™ฅ

I've called her Maria, like my daughter. She kind of reminds me of Moana so I made her a dress with colors that remind me of the ocean :)

Yarn: 100% Cotton
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 20. July. 2018
Finished: 23. July. 2018


Yesterday was day 30 for the 100 days of HAED challenge. I'm very pleased that I'm keeping up with the challenge, some days I just added 1 stitch to the piece but 1 stitch is still progress, right?

In the last 10 days I added 1,198 stitches to the piece and most of those stitches were done on Sunday. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Last week's update

Winter break just started for schools here in Peru and my daughter had a dance presentation on Friday. She and her second grade classmates danced a zamacueca (an Afro-Peruvian dance) ....they did a wonderful job!!!

Here they are all dress up and ready to perform (Maria Fernanda is the fourth one from right to left)

A small extract of their dance...


As mentioned in my last post, I usually finish one amigurumi per week. Last week's finish is a cute penguin. This time I made him in royal blue  and I think he turned out super cute โฃโฃ

I love his big head and rosy cheeks *รœ*

Pattern:  Pen-Pen the Penguin by Tapanee Chaovanavatee
Yarn: 100% Cotton
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 09. July. 2018
Finished: 17. July. 2018


On Saturday I completed 10 more days of stitching for the "100 days of HAED challenge". There were some days that I just picked it up for less than 15 minutes because I was just too tired to stitch.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

An amigurumi finish and progress for HAED's challenge

I usually make one amigurumi a week and here is the one I finished last week: Bobble the Sheep.

I think he turned out ADORABLE โฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธ For his body the designer used bobble stitch and I love the texture that it gives to the sheep's wool. 

Pattern:  Bobble the Sheep by Alyssa Voznak
Yarn: 100% Cotton
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 27. June. 2018
Finished: 03. July. 2018


I'm trying to be more constant with my cross stitch like I used to, so when I heard about the "100 days of HAED challenge" I signed up immediately. 

So far things are going great, I've stitched at least half an hour every single day since July 2. 

The design I chose is Punch of Color Girls #10 by Hannah Lynn, and I'm stitching it 1 over 1 full cross on 25ct Lugana (Easy Count)

Here is my progress for the first 10 days of the challenge: 

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

A wolf and a new challenge

Last night I finished another letter from my Soda Stitch piece: Alphabet Learning (SO-G39). I'm stitching it on 32ct Dirty Belfast Linen with Anchor threads. 

This piece was my 2017 New Year New start and I only have 3 more letter to add and it will be DONE!!! *รœ*

I have very little time to cross stitch but I still signed up for the 100 Days of HAED Challenge on Facebook. The challenge consists in adding at least one stitch to a HAED piece for 100 days (sign up closed on Sunday).

For this challenge I chose a new start: Punch of Color Girls 10 by Hannah Lynn.I've been wanting to start this one forever and the challenge was the perfect excuse *รœ*

My plan is to do all the black outline first and then fill in the colors. My goal for these 100 days is to finish all the black. 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The crocodile block

I finished May's block of the Into the Jungle Stitch-A-Long. I will now put it away for a few weeks to work on my other wips. 

The next one in my rotation is Soda's Stitch G-39 Alphabet Learning. I only have four more letter to add and it will be done! I'll post a pic of that piece on my next update.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Finishes and progress

Since my last update, I finished two amigurumi: a tiny beagle puppy and a mosquito.
I usually don't make amigurumi this small but the beagle would be used as a keychain so it needed to be small.

Pattern:  Beagle by Mitsuki Hoshi
Book: Ami Ami Dogs
Yarn: 100% Acrylic
Hook: 3mm
Started: 16. June. 2018
Finished: 20. June. 2018

And last night, I finished a mosquito that will be traveling to Spain. This is fun and fast design to work, specially if you just started making amigurumi. 

Pattern:  Dale the Mosquito by Fresh Stitches
Yarn: 100% Acrylic
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 22. June. 2018
Finished: 25. June. 2018

I've also been working on finishing the fifth block of Into the Jungle. This block is represented by a crocodile accompanied by three black birds (at least I think they are birds). Only a few more lines of water to add and I'm done with this block!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


I forgot I was supposed to update my blog at least once a week :P

In this past two months I've not made a lot of progress on my cross stitch pieces. But I did finish a few amigurumi. One of those is this cute bear angel I made for my youngest nephew, Gael. 

Yarn: 100% Cotton
Hook: 2.5mm  
Started: 28. May. 2018
Finished: 01. June. 2018 

He was baptized at the beginning of June and this was my gift for him. I  made the little bear with a tuft of curl just like the one Gael has. I โ™ฅ the way he came out!

Friday, April 20, 2018

WIPs and finishes

I made a start on this month's block of Into the Jungle. There is a lot of stitching in this block, I hope I can finish it this weekend *fingers crossed*

I've had little time for cross stitch this week because I needed to finish a couple of amigurumi: a baby zebra and zebrafish. Next week I'll also be crocheting in black and white. will show picture of those when I finish them.

Pattern: Amigurumi Zebra By Mevlinn Gusick
Yarn: 100% Acrilic
Hook: 4mm (G) 
Started: 08. April. 2018
Finished: 17. April. 2018 

Pattern:  Amigurumi Wal the Tiny Fish by Fresh Stitches 
(a modification of original pattern)
Yarn: 100% Acrylic
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 18. April. 2018
Finished: 19. April. 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Ice Princess ~ progress

Last night I finished my rotation on Ice Princess. 

There is a lot of confetti stitches in her hair so my progress is slower than usual. My goal is to finish her by the end of 2018 *finger crossed*

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Crochet projects

Since my last update I've mainly worked on my crochet pieces. 
I finished my third security blanket of the year, this time it's  a unicorn. I made a star shape blanket in white and a pastel colors. This was fun to crochet and I really like the final result *รœ*

 Pattern:  Unicorn Lovey (My own design)
Yarn: 100% Acrylic
Hook: 4mm (G)
Started: 12. February. 2018
Finished: 18. March. 2018

My second finish is a super sweet Boston terrier puppy called Bentley. I purchased this pattern last year and I had it at the top of my Ravelry queue for months and I finally started it at the end of March. I absolutely LOVE him โ™ฅ

Pattern: Bentley the Boston Terrier by YOUnique Crafts
Yarn: 100% Cotton
Hook: 2.5mm 
Started: 20. March. 2018
Finished: 30. March. 2018

I'm now working on another amigurumi, this time it's a robot. Hopefully I won't get distracted and he will be finished for my next update. 

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